Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Patagonia's Chouinard Admits to Eating Cat Food

If nothing else, Patagonia founder and CEO Yvon Chouinard is very quotable. At a recent sustainable textiles convention in New York he talked about his humble beginnings:

“I used to eat cat food,” he said. “That’s all I could afford to eat. I’d go to the dented can store in San Francisco and buy cases of dented cat food."

He also provided some rather interesting history about discovering how incredibly destructive and poisonous 'conventional' cotton processing methods are and his reaction to this realization. What's the next step in his sustainability plan? Stop people from over-consuming. That's right if you splurge on a new jacket every season,  Patagonia might just ask you to leave their store. Take that, unsustainable capitalism! Read the article here.

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